F-35: A Dominant Capability For the 21st Century
Our partnership is centered on helping Poland defend against outside threats while strengthening the country from within. Poland concluded its fighter acquisition program with the signing of a Letter of Offer and Acceptance between the U.S. and Polish governments on Jan. 31, 2020, for 32 F-35A Conventional Take Off and Landing (CTOL) variant jets. This selection, building off Lockheed Martin’s strong, proven track record in Poland, is a testament to the nation’s confidence in the F-35 to meet its national security decades to come.
Poland's first F-35A "Husarz" was revealed during a rollout ceremony at our Lockheed Martin Aeronautics facility in Fort Worth, Texas, on Aug. 28, 2024.

Base Locations

Program Milestones

2018: Polish Ministry of Defence announces new fighter aircraft programme

2020: Polish MoD selected the F-35A and signed the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) for 32 F-35As

2023: Poland Aircraft Production Began

2024: Poland's first F-35A "Husarz" revealed

Lokalizacja baz

Kluczowe osiągnięcia programu

2020 r.: Polskie Ministerstwo Obrony wybrało F-35A i podpisało list ofertowy i akceptacyjny (LOA) dotyczący zakupu 32 odrzutowców F-35A